7 IT Job Soft Skills

"A LinkedIn study found 57% of leaders say soft skills are more important than hard skills."


Becoming a modern IT professional isn't just learning technical skills, it's about acquiring soft skills as well. When you work at any organization as part of their tech team, you will not be working in silos. You will need to interact with team members, colleagues from departments company-wide, and possibly clients. Explore these top 7 IT Soft Skills to become an efficient and successful IT professional today!

What Are IT Soft Skills?

Corporations, including CISCO, understand the importance of soft skills to augment technical IT skills. CISCO, along with other tech corporations offer soft skills training to help you become an efficient and well rounded IT professional.

Soft skills cover a range of life and work skills including communication and people skills, personality development, and emotional intelligence, according to Google. Modern organizations value and require soft skills in their employees alongside their technical skills.

Top 7 IT Soft Skills

There are 7 widely recognized soft skills, although there are several others that are just as useful. These top 7 IT job soft skills will give you the edge you need over your peers.


Being a leader highlights you for promotions within your workplace, and as being capable of leading a team. Leadership isn't just telling people what to do, and micromanaging. It entails being an inspiration, and supporting team-members and colleagues to strive for Workplace excellence.

Creative Problem-solving

Giving your organization creative solutions to problems brings value to your company and clients. According to Indeed, it creates "opportunities for growth in competitive industries". Creative problem-solvers are quick on their feet and can leverage adaptability to solve problems more efficiently.


Being able to communicate effectively and using questions "to direct or encourage a conversation" says IBM, are key skills that IT professionals should hone. Tech success comes from the ability to effectively communicate with stakeholders, clients, and other members of your team. This ensures that every process is done meticulously and that company and personal goals are met.

Openness to Feedback

Feedback, constructive or positive, can affect you at the workplace. Positive feedback motivates you to continue doing your best. Constructive feedback can be unsettling, and may drive many IT professionals to dig in their heels, either by retaliating or ignoring it. Improvement at the workplace happens when we can identify that feedback helps us achieve greater heights professionally.


Even the most carefully executed plan can go wrong. Do you have a contingency plan? Being flexible helps you adapt and troubleshoot problems. Employees who are flexible can successfully evolve with trends, adapt and mitigate problems in processes, and keep their organization working as seamlessly as possible.


Teamwork makes the dream work, creating effective teams that are able to deliver projects within deadlines, and achieve company and individual goals. Every team member has a place at the proverbial business table, and understanding how to leverage and maximize each person's skill set brings value to the team and company. With teamwork, individuals can offer their teams the support and motivation they need to thrive and achieve a healthy work-life balance.

Work Ethic

Having a strong work ethic provides you with loyalty and the willingness to strive for excellence at your workplace. Giving your best makes you a valuable employee, offering your organization efficient processes, a pledge to seamless delivery, and being a contributing member of your team.

At BITA IT Academy, we ensure that you get holistic training by providing you with the technical and soft skills you need to succeed.

* Focus Keyword IT Soft Skills

SEO Title 7 Top IT Soft Skills Guaranteed To Make You A Better IT Professional

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Meta Description As a modern IT professional, you need both technical skills and soft skills to excel in your career. These top 7 IT job soft skills can be acquired, or might be skills you already have!

* References

IBM ibm.com/blogs/ibm-training/ibm-releases-new..

Monster monster.com/career-advice/article/soft-skil..

HubSpot blog.hubspot.com/marketing/soft-skills

Indeed indeed.com/career-advice/career-development..